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On Friday, I went to a PV of a group exhibition I’m in : ‘The Town is a gallery ‘ at Convenience gallery – a space made available at a former M&S store in Birkenhead  by East st Arts.
The space was available by ESA that is, not the set up of the gallery !

Anyway, I’d been busy all day  so I couldn’t get there when it opened at 4pm . An early start, but it was on til 10, so plenty of time .

I’d already been sent a photo of my work by a friend who’d popped in there earlier, so I had an inkling of what to expect .

I thought it was odd that the label was low, but I didn’t actually read it until I got there.

I’d sent the title by email when I submitted my work and also had a label on the back AND on the wrapping with the same info, but they had bizarrely printed something entirely different.  Not even a typo – just a totally different one.

I had a moan to the few people that were there , but didn’t approach the organisers as they were busy socialising- which I should have been doing really .
I hate PVs at the best of times and as I hardly knew anyone there, I went home after a short while, slightly disgruntled .

Having the time to think much later, I wondered if I had overreacted.  My name was right and the work looked good.

Does anyone actually read labels ?

Did it really matter?


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