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copied and pasted from a diary entry

watch white lion episode wallander. at the end I cry. I cry because the end of the story shows me how as a person we have the choice to work towards something. something we believe in and something that is of an honourable nature as opposed to something that causes hurt or is driven by greed. in that moment of the tears, i feel my working towards something is undefined at the moment. it had been the working towards getting a place on research degree, so i had a purpose and a community. in the absence of that place, I am a little at sea, drifting without a defined port to head towards. it leaves me feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. there’s short term things i do that provides an income but doesn’t fulfill the thing that i am struggling to define in me.

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i read a dm describing a walk with a shaman.

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i stop to think about the choice of working with isolation at the moment. in working with isolation, this needs to be with the intention of understanding how it is for me at the moment with the caveat of looking for new connections or evolving the ones i have already so they move forward in ways that both parties feel fulfilled.

part of this work needs to be attempts to make new connections, through making new work and theĀ  documentation.