Viewing single post of blog Life after my MA

I went to the PV on Saturday of the Inside-out Exhibition. It went well but got cold when the sun went down. Diana had ask my Daughter to sing, so that was good and it went down well too.. It good to have all the family there…

I have been busy since doing my college work I have my assessment on Thursday… You forget how long it takes to get all your work ready to put up and making sure it is up to date etc. As I am doing my MA part-time I feel it bit out of the loop, you do not see other students or their work so you cannot measure how much work they done. I know I should not think about that, but I do..

We have to do a 10 min presentation first, which I find difficult… I done a poster presentation, It does help to make you sort out in your mind want I am doing in my Art…. One thing about having these assessment, it gives you space to look at your work and may be you can re-group…

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