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I feel so exhausted. Pressure is unbearable, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I have finished printing all the images I need for my canvases. My book 'Fragile Form' is finished. I just need to stitch the book together to give it some secure bonding. I am satisfied with the way it looks. The eight images I have paper lithographed for the book have been carefully sequenced. It starts off with the images upright and strong. Towards the end of the book, the images become more fragile and vulnerable. They have a quality to them which I have searched for in my work. The colour for the cover of the book is also important to me. It is a soft blue which ties in with the fragility held within. There is no writing or imagery on the front and back covers of the book. This is also deliberate. Tomorrow I plan to go to my studio in Birkenhead to start to resolve the paintings which tie into the concept of the fragility of the form. The paper lithographs which have dried over the weekend will be stuck to the canvases and sealed with varnish. On Tuesday I will be able to paint more around them. I hope the weather stays warm enough for everything to dry. The cold weather recently has hampered the drying process and has been unexpected. Fingers crossed everything will go according to plan this week. My journal is up to date and so is my careers folder.