Mile End Art Pavilion
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Clinton Road (off Grove Road) Mile End Park E3 4QY

Mile End Ancestors is an exhibition of art works that celebrate or commemorate an ancestor, created by members of local community groups and professional artists. All of the contributing artists either live in or were born in Mile End, or have a strong connection to the area. Their ancestors originate from around the world, including Somalia, Armenia, and Guyana. Artists include: David Baillie, Amie Bolissian, Regina Fichtner, Uschi Gatward & Matthew Krishanu, Annette Peart, Mary Pullen, Jonas Ranson, Amanda Westbury, Kate Wiggs, users of the Ocean Somali Community Association, and of Poplar Day Centre, and students of Central Foundation Girls’ School.