Today I’ve been exploring…
{The tick of the old pendulum clock in the portrait room competing with the buzz of the sound system}
{The almost static-like noise of the rain on the plastic roofed corridor}
{A long lost leather belt strewn in the undergrowth}
{The smell of damp moss reminding me of my Grandmothers lawn}
I’ve been reading about Froebel – a biography of sorts – it describes him watching a hairy legged fly on a window pane when he was 5 years old. When i got into the studio, the biggest, hairiest fly i have ever seen was resting on the door frame. It didn’t move. I thought there must be something wrong, but its gone now.
The rain has kept me away from the lakes and lawn of this beautiful campus, but Ive been thinking about sites and media for my piece… it feels daunting to have a deadline and such a specific need to achive a piece, despite its open brief. I suppose this is how i always feel when i’m starting something new!