Spent all evening, and all of this morning drawing lines. I am now certain that i have a highly addictive personality. Froebels occupations are said to be activities that have sense, purpose and meaning to the child, and involve joy, wonder, concentration, unity and satisfaction. I certainly agree with the concentration and satisfaction part, starngely enough…
The focus of my attentions has been the reproduction of some really interesting diagrams i found in a picture of Pestalozzis classroom. Pestalozzi was a pioneering teacher from whom Froebel took much inspiration. The diagrams seem to look at geometry, mulipication, division of space and alignment within an area. I cant find any other records of them on the internet, or in any other book.
This afternoon i’m heading into town to get some materials and get cracking with some more making. Embroidery will be my focus for a day or two i think… it seems to encompas the era, concentration, and delicacy, that i’ve found so appealing.