Spent some time experimenting – gluing the paper folds down to reduce them springing open just seems to deaden them – i’ve found a great press inthe studio and it seems to be doing the trick – the paper tiles come out flattened but with some life in them, so i’m pleased with that. Reminds me of pressing flowers especially as ive also resorted to sliding each piece into a book before transfereing them to the press. Theres such a romance withing pressing flowers – as if they have just been frozen in time and transformed into delicate and fragile scraps of paper.

The studio has turned into quite a production line – one table has the series of different foldings, another the cut paper – another i take the 10 pieces and fold them into identical pieces, before moving them to the press. I’ve started laying out the finished pieces on another table, and am quite pleased so far.

Yesterday, i researched the audio element – i’m going to use 8 small mylar speakers and wire them to a speaker splitter box, to which i can connect a small amp, power source and output jack, so it can be simply connected to a hifi or mp3 player. Fingers crossed it’ll work – the parts will arrive on monday…

This morning i visited the nursery – such a lovely place! The kids were great, and although i was trying not to disturb them too much – just set up my recorder and leave them to it – they all came up and asked my name, showed me their pictures and asked me to read stories. As much as i would have liked to, i had to get back for a meeting, but maybe i’ll be able to pop back in again tomorrow.

While the kids ate lunch, i collected my recorder, and took it back to listen to as i ate my own picnic in the sun. It was quite fascinating listening to the children at play without being there – at one point a group are playing families, really quite convincingly – i suppose we always forget how much children absorb from their environments. The sounds combined with the original sources as the children passed me on their walk to the ‘forest school’, an outdoor classroom set up in the grounds. Got some great audio, definately something to work with, and will take some more tomorrow.