Well, i’ve been shown up by a 12 year old. A very mature and intellegent one its true, but nonetheless… she managed to fold a totally different variation of Froebels form and it looks great. But in my defense its quite elaborate, and i’m nott too sure about how many i could fold!

But i’m half way through. 240 to go. The pressing is slowing things down as i want to leave them for at least 24 hours, and they’re piling up, making a mess of my ‘system’.

Got some more great audio from the nursery, and took a break to go to yoga. I’m finding that although each process ahs a meditative effect, variation is definately the key.

Oh, and i’ve discovered TED – a website with hundred of lectures and speaches – i’ve had it on all morning. There are some really great ones – Gever Tulley talking about his ‘tinkering school’ where children are free to pay with hammers and nails and any material you can think of….Ken Robinson about schools killing creativity… Tim Brown talking abot creativity and play…. definately recommend it.

Well, time to get on with some cross stitch….

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