Teresa here after another horrendous day, weather wise that is. We left home, Dominique without her purse (did she do that on purpose?) and the photographs; me without the tablecloth and with no money whatsoever, so at that point we were penniless but I did remember to bring the pencil sharpener – so not all was doom and gloom! When we finally arrived, after taking our lives into our hands and aquaplaning to Bury along the motorway, our gazebo was leaking and the table and A board were soaking wet and far from encouraging. It all seemed a bit bleak to say the least but Craig came to our rescue and moved our table inside the market to a nice warm and cosy spot next to the cooked meat and haberdashery stalls. I must say it was a far nicer atmosphere compared to the outside stall we occupied on Wednesday. The stallholders here were far more friendly and even entered into the spirit of our project by wearing Dom’s ‘magnificent’ hat (Jean, the owner of Bury Health Food Store) and a red beret (Pete from Bury Bacon Co Ltd), red, ha ha, which we took along in case the temperature dropped to freezing, which seemed distinctly possible when we embarked on our journey from Chorley. All in all it proved a much better day than we initially anticipated and we now have a grand total of 12 people from Bury wishing to participate in the ‘Red Day Out’ to take place on Saturday, 3 October. ps I do swear I wasn’t sloshed today just dazzled by the flash!