I’ve just been keeping up the making of work this week, I’ve been fairly productive and have been flirting with colour, and then running away back to the safety of black and white. I began to add single blocks of colour to my work as a distraction and something unexpected, which has backfired as I seem to do it too often now. I feel as if I need a reason to use colour, and ‘because I feel like it’ isn’t a reason.
Double layered canvases, made using polythene instead of canvas has been the order of the day today. It has a skin like texture and and stretches nicely around the frame. Hitting it with a stick will pierce it though. drying paint can be scratched away revealing what was underneath. I painted a torn piece of paper that looks as if it has come apart, as you move around the ‘canvas’ the rectangle breaks apart and comes together. I’m not sure about the blue though.
I have written some thoughts about it in my sketchbook, I’ll share them here:
movement, 3d (fake), breaking, moving apart, coming together, connecting, disconnecting, the tearing of something uniform, recognisable shape being deconstructed/fragmented, a grounding, negative mark, something safe being broken.
My sketchbooks these days are all just a collection of words and scribbles jotted down as I paint.
If you want to see the painting working in a movement kind of way (does that make sense?) I’ve got a quick video clip here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBqB4MJXa8