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Everything leads somewhere.

Real and metaphorical or historical paths, cycles, seaonal, annual, life paths, attitudes, mindshifts; all layers and lines.

Opportunities for blog posting have been thin on the ground for sometime, but Hooray! A conversation in June with my wonderful partner has freed me from the static magnet of sitting behind a pc for 3 days a week, not to mention the 3 hr round trip.

Don’t read me wrong here, I do miss the fun, friendly banter and connecting with like minded community artists, consulting them and supporting when needed. But as I said months ago – the time has come for me to make my own work again – at last.

Thank you Lee x

July 31st and I am full-time self employed. So, where is the work? Good news: I have a website on the way, an e-commercial one, which will sell pieces of various sizes, off the shelf and bespoke too, also having an archive of my public work. Commercialism? I heard that thought. I am an artist designer. My inspiration at times is overwhelming and I see no contradiction with wanting to share what I do. To encourage ways to find peace in the mentally & physically binding world of other people’s chaos.

I have made a down payment on a kiln(!) which comes with loads of other equipment and is single phase so i won’t be putting the street lights out!

I’ve been making room for the shed load of kit in my wee studio space; cutting down work top for the slab roller, exciting to me as it involves power tools with being in my studio & planning for the future too.

To keep me going til the new pieces are photographed here are some taken over the summer of developments in the garden and especially the waterfall, to which we have added a natural bio filter of gravel & reeds.

Blog postings should come much more regularly from now on!! ;)