Gallery at St. Martin's
East Midlands

The Gallery at St. Martin’s is a small, tucked away gallery space in the historic quarter of Lincoln which shows a broad selection of artwork; from that created by new students testing out their early ideas, to more established artists from the local area and further afield.

Elizabeth Wright’s show, ‘Painting and Drawing’ eloquently dissects all generalisations of this gallery space. Showing small, intimate landscapes of the local area, she reflects the location of the Gallery, yet the ambition and half whispered narrative of this work averts any allegiance to touristy, twee local landscape. This is her first show after a period of reassessment following her degree at Wimbledon, yet this exhibition has nothing half-baked, with no amateur air.

The work in ‘Painting and Drawing’ is plainly hung, with straightforward compositions and a strong, streamlined muted palette. It would be easy to mistake this elegance for simplicity, but the sophisticated marks and rich images provide a complexity that holds the viewer in its palm. Local though these scenes may be, the isolation and desolation of these scenes places the work in flux. At once peaceful and brooding, homely and disquieting, the beauty of the work is matched with an uncertainty that makes it all the more engaging. Occasional flashes of colour add to the tension, these turquoise and orange touches break up the flow of the exhibition and sit uneasily in the body of work – disrupting the sense of space and hinting at a developing self-confidence.

This is a show that is technically accomplished, with a consistency throughout both mediums that belies Wright’s talent. Yet it is her apt choice of venue, skilful curating and enthralling choice of subject that makes it a true success.