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The studios are OPEN!

A splendid sunny day. All the right people were here. Had a lot of short conversations over the two-hour frantic meet, greet and eat. Pleased to say that the first, tentative, exploratory shoots of project-plan-litmus-testing turn out trumps. Or should that be ‘up’? Turned ‘up’ trumps? Hm. Too busy to care really. It went trumpy, ’nuff said.

Got a few tasty leads to follow up the next few days. It’s always worth talking to everyone. You just don’t know who may have something new for you: that stray word, turn of phrase or blatant suggestion that could turn your plans on a sixpence or provide that vital ingredient you’ve been looking for. I’ve had a bit of all of those this last week. Think I will need to build some type of outlet for what is going on as it comes together. Maybe a website is necessary. This blog is helping me keep a sense of continuity and reflection, but there’s not the space to lay out all the excitement.

I’m hoping we’re ging to evolve into a multi-facetted organisation that has it’s core here, in my pointy chapel, but works out in satelite locations. Want to reach hundreds of people with this, not just few dozen here and there. It’s all about vision, and having just enough stupidity to remain unafraid of what you’re embarking upon!

Meanwhile, tonight involves some last minute prep for the last-stage interview at Walsall New Art Gallery tomorrow. Gonna be a busy week, this one…