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Well its 2010 and here I am again. I have just re-read my blog. What a strange feeling – mine but not mine, and somehow it all seems such a while ago.

I hadn’t really intended to restart the blog now but a recent interview as the retiring chairman for the South East Open Studios newsletter came out entitled ‘Franny Swann – Artist, aged 56 and a half ’ and then gave the blog address! So now I feel duty bound to re-present myself.

The blog was very much meant to be my tracks in the mud- for me to be able to retrace; the flour in the bag principle.

Well, the big painting got to Berlin and so did I, together with my elderly disabled mother and her carer. We sat together in the front of an audience far larger than I had expected and listened to my Jewish grandfather’s name being recited and his life recounted and I felt humbled. Humbled by those who had lost so much and had turned out on a cold night in old age to see the painting installed and also by all those who have taken on a burden of guilt for a time when they were not even born.

After so much organisation I returned home feeling as though I had lost something, or maybe left something behind – the painting? I don’t know.

The studio was certainly emptier and I celebrated by moving things around. I have hardly been in since. It has been so cold that I have worked from home. Warm, cosy, TV, food, coffee …..but space limited as far as the work goes.

Being cosy seems to affect the work; I get cosy work! Better that I am in the studio slumming it and concentrating on the job in hand. Time to go back; but maybe after the next snows.

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