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I’ve been vaguely contemplating how to engage with international artists and create collaborative projects, whether I need to apply for additional funding for that? I have contacts, but don’t know how I would initiate such a thing. However I have an ambitious idea in mind, somewhat distracting, and would ideally like to do something around April time, but I suspect that might be too soon.

The Lincoln Artist’s Network are getting excited about the Alice In Wonderland Exhibition. I however have only two weeks left to get my animation together for my piece.

I’ve had a lot of events happen personally that have adversely affected my work. It has just been one thing after another. But fortunately, the LAN are still working together, and we’re now taking over the Artist’s Markets in Lincoln this summer. We’re looking for artists to get involved in this. More details here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=44932174666&ref=ts

One of the problems with having other stuff going on, has meant that I sent the Arts Council Grant proposal later than I wanted, and it wasn’t successful. I have no time left to re-apply now in time for the Alice exhibition, yet despite this, everyone is still working towards putting on a good exhibition, as the opportunity is not worth giving up on. I plan to make a separate funding application for the LAN as soon as possible, with a potential collaborative project in mind.

The animation department seem all over the place, with two trips arranged one after the other, so I’m not getting as much out of the AA2A scheme as I’d like either. Hopefully I’ll get in to finish my animation over the next two weeks, otherwise I won’t have work of my own to exhibit for that and I want to have something to display. However, the LAN have some exciting opportunities upcoming, so we continue to work on these projects.