Viewing single post of blog Swim Circle

19th February 2010

Friday, 4am – Fire starts in offices at rear of Green Door Studios where I have studio space. It spreads into the studios and fire engines are called to Kendfal from across South Cumbria, an aerial crane being brought from Barrow.

The fire spreads and devastates the studios. All my work related to the SwimCircle project is not burnt but is exposed to smoke, water from the fire fighters and after the roof has to be ripped off, falling slates and debris and whatever the weather brings to the exposed building.

Over the next few days we learn it could be arson but nobody can get into the building because its fabric is damaged. Even the police can’t complete their scenes of crime enquiry.

Such an intrusion into the process of the swimcircle must be considered and reacted to. It seems everything in the studios for each artist is lost. All my work over the last ten years that was stored in my studio appears gone, although its still standing locked in an unsafe building.

The impact of this on the project for me is as yet unknown. But already I know I want some burnt timber and ash from the fire to use as pigment.

Whilst others studio members reel from the loss of work, equipment and livelihood, I can see new ideas for future work. Its like a forest fire creating space for new growth.

See the Green Door rising blog for more comments about the studio fire.

