I am very excited, in fact so excited I justified a new spend on an iphone…oh well. I have been granted a Grants for the Arts application with the lovely curator Catherine Hemelryk from Bury St Edmunds Gallery to travel up and down the country responding to stately home collections. I am really excited particularly that I will be working alongside writers that will really throw my work hopefully into turmoil along the journey, creating articles and new writings that can only add to the mix of responses. Gavin Wade will be Catherine’s mentor on this one, which will I am sure create new ideas for her too. I am, as a result, going to be traveling up and down the country for the next 18 months creating new shows to new and existing audiences. The venues and writers will be revealed shortly.
I have a number of shorter other projects that are happening and I will post anything to do with soon.
Counts and Nuonces