We now have three students signed up for the first two blocks of the SSC – this doesn’t sound much, but it’s three times the maximum number for some projects, and represents a lot of work. For some reason, due apparently to The System, students can’t yet sign up for the third block. This makes the logistics of organising tutorials and life classes somewhat tricky as we don’t know who might be available, for what, or when.
However, the idea seems to be catching on: I’ve had an email enquiry from another project supervisor enquiring about sending his student to “my” life classes. Will we be able to squash them in? Watch this (rather small) space.
Meanwhile, the Drawing Research Network has been running another debate about teaching drawing to adults, and drawing in general. Several memorable ideas have surfaced, including the catchphrases “Keep Art Live”, and “practise failure”; and the persistent theme to all these debates, which is that observation and process are far more important than outcome. Yes, but….it’s always heartening to produce a drawing that satisfies you as a drawing.