The fact that we artist-bloggers don’t just moan on and on endlessly about time and money is pretty incredible really. I know most of us (me included) have an ongoing battle with allowing ourselves any decent time in the studio to reflect and be really creative… I take my hat off to those artists who are the main wage-earner in the household, but there are also massive, complicated pressures on the rest of us (like me). This week I’ve actually managed very little time on what I think of as ‘my work’, though at least I’ve been in the studio a reasonable amount (working on a portrait commission, mainly – I’ve realised I’m going to have to start doing some portraits to make ends meet, until I have another show). Other than that there’s always the family to be looked-after (they’re cute and lovely but need time and care), the dog to be walked (ditto) and the house to be somehow managed (none of us are tidy and it all gets out of hand quite regularly). And the schools break up today for the Easter holidays…
Stop whingeing, Emma, and get into the studio! (At least I’ve got one…)