It has took me this long to recover and catch up in work.

The Open Day at the Butterfly Park was fantastic, I can’t thank all my friends enough for helping out.

So many late nights really did pay off in the end, we had 400 visitors and even though it was more about raising awareness, we raised a princely sum of £374.36p.

So many people were chatting and telling me how they didn’t know the park was there, so raising awareness worked.

Emma’s Elastatone work was a big hit, all kinds of people young and old were making ‘music’ and all the other art was much admired.

I met the head of Cheshire Wildlife Trust who thanked me for all my efforts, as did all the Butterfly Park team, though I couldn’t have done it without them either. We do make a good team I think.

2 local schools would like workshops and I have also been approached by a local resident who is setting up a ‘regeneration’ shop within New Ferry and would like to discuss my putting work in or more. Great news, this is exactly the type of response I was hoping for.

I’ve posted some photos on the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=20600&id=112509052095055&ref=mf

but theres a few on here too.