So 4 days into solitary fitness and is going well you will be a couple of days behind but will add them here too.
Picked up some really nice display cabinets for pulse show. It means that the figures will look more important than before this way.
They were way to exposed and not seemd as a object of importance at the junction cambridge which contradicted the fact that i want everyone to agree there worth so much more.
Meeting mentor tomra and going through lots hopefully will get some good ideas of whats important to put in the talks which are just over a week away so better get cracking let you know how it goes.
Also at normal job today and learnt you should always have your buisness cards on you very important gallery people came in and i had nothing to give other than words bad selling of myself should always have something to give to remind them of you always you never know and today i failed.
oh weel next time
adding Jamie Moakes sloitary day 1 enjoy
While being funded by Escalator performing arts 2010 I Jamie Moakes will be developing my body using Charles Bronsons solitary fitness as a guide, to give a visual document of HE SAID Talent agencys p