Viewing single post of blog Escalator performing arts 2010

Work has been hardsince pulse no active goal in sight has dwindled my artistic flame. Adding to this pulling my back doing bronson workout hasnt helped.

My tasks to think about this week are where do i want my work to be seen?

Where/how will i push youwill be rare forward?

Its becoming really hard for me i think because i have not ever worked on something so long before normally its idea out there done next. Now i find myself thinking about marketing my positon in the world and so on which stiffling me.

My resolution a good book order aload of books from this is unbound this will help.

Future for you will be rare i belive is showing it in shops thats what worked the best from pulse it actual for all that could see it being a shop.

Anyway beloware some videos from pulse my new ram man video update as well will be posting a new for each ram man bought.

For now struggling but speak soon


to keep up with the films

Ram man #79 part of you will be rare collection

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