Viewing single post of blog Escalator performing arts 2010

I have been incredibly lax with keeping up with this blog. Which is good in a way since I have found myself to buzy to update it.

I went to the one on one festival @ the bac which was a good evening and interesting festival which I hope has a long future ahead of it.

So I booked and got the ticket programed for me. Scary I know especially if yu know I hate one one ones far to intermate and pressured for me but escalator is a time to challenge the myself. Well the programing gods were with me I got breathe a group I have seen many times before and enjoy very much. http://www.breatheartists.co.uk/#/throughthewardrobe/4542195885

you can see a pic of me here. The piece was lovely you were greeted with two wadrobes you go in one crawl through a world of clothes do want to say much more to reveal it but lovley always. A nice moment to share. Much like my next piece folk in a box which was an artwork thats does exactly what it says on the tin. I went in a modified shed and was greeted with a man and a guitar he plays a beatiful melody and I leave what a gift.

Then was my first perfomacne of the evening headlines in a nutshell I didnt like because it was someing challenging and because of my tension to 1on1’s didnt really like it. This was my problem with the festival if you could tick a box when booking to get an over view of what experance you may receive I love gift works and gift works 1on1s can be amazing but I dont to be pushed or challanged yet I know others will. So heres my chatergeries




This still leaves you open but gives you a chance to know what kind of night you going to have I was lucky but another pot luck got headlines and being electrocuted and when I met them was hoping for something nice I hope they got that but you never know.

In summary a festival to watch go again but wold pick my shows definatly.