Add to my Library’, reflects linear processes of collective narratives into an open active space. This is inspired by Walter Benjamin’s writing ‘Unpacking my library’ where traditional processess of collection are deployed. The project is the living library that harbours a number of physical book like creations from fringe areas. My intention is to question contemporary notions of ‘selves’ and ‘others’ and to open a path to sense alterity while questioning the internet coded language.

In ‘Add to my Library’ I attempt to confront the viewer with an array of wondrous and humorous meditations on materiality through visual transmissions, from banal to the monumental.

Deconstructing my Library.Pages from my antique book collection have been removed from their covers and meticulously reorganised and rebound as many, now transformed into objects that defy there original form. The coverless books are folded together to create an intrinsically infinite organic structure that begins to approach a painting or drawing.

How does their significance take on a greater meaning in the disruption of conventional readings? Does the actual documentation of the process construct a new project?