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Perhaps its only after being sick in the bathroom you can only really begin to judge the work you make.

Today I began the first of four actions for the July Challenge. In a nut shell the challenge was to do something un-challenging, and I have taken four actions I perceive to be just this and escalated them to become so.

Today I took the action of eating ice cream and amplified it by attempting to eat four tubs. I bought sorbet as it contained less calories and fat than ice cream. Once I had got the tubs home the sorbet had melted. This piece is intended to be a film, and I recorded the process of me eating the sorbet. The initial tub had separated I discovered half way through, half foam half liquid, it was a pungent lemon which I struggled through. The next a raspberry flavour was a relief from the zest of the lemon but quickly became too sweet. As I started the second tub my stomach muscles were already churning and at least twice I almost through up.

I didn’t quite finish the second tub. After leaving my self feeling severely ill and in need of the toilet and some water I resigned. After a couple of hours feeling terrible I forced my self to through up and remove the liquid from my body.

Completing this action although challenging and not normal behaviour for myself has led me to question what it is that I am doing. Although this is an aim for the whole project I feel that this piece in particular was perhaps ‘art for arts sake’ and perhaps not in a good way. I feel although the piece has obvious references but I am not sure the structural thinking has been solid enough to justify the work. I have potentially made a piece of work that I my self would look unfavorably upon questioning why this person has made such a piece. I my self find it hard to draw the border line between art and life, I feel that perhaps on this occasion I have created a work that falls short and is lacking, perhaps others will disagree, or not. Perhaps its the queasiness talking.