Viewing single post of blog tweeting the self

I think I could have thought a little bit more in advance of this project. It’s all very well feeling adventurous and cavalier, and nurturing the risk-taking mentality that too many years of legal practice drove out of me, but it’s only now, over a fortnight in, that I notice a number of little tricks I may have missed in my eagerness to get going.

Take the world of hashtags. A brilliant concept in the hands of a seasoned social networker, but not for one who struggles to remember that ‘networker’ is the bit that really counts. Tagging my own stuff without any linked-in tags indicates either a degree of sad ignorance or excessive cyber-shyness both of which are slightly painful to acknowledge.

For the sad fact is that tweeting makes me all too aware that whether in the real or virtual world, my introverted personality combined with over-self-aware procrastination makes it really hard for me to do this. Setting my stall out in the public domain in this way ignites my continually lurking desire to run and hide. in a virtual sense, of course.

So at the same time as moving my art forward, I struggle with exposure, with the possibility of quite literally anyone anywhere on earth wondering what on earth this is all about. Most of all, in these early stages I struggle with the fear of encountering complete indifference from tweetworld. Which seems so much larger than the world of real-life exhibitions, and this of course is quite laughable, because in fact the number of my current followers would cram comfortably into the tiniest realworld exhibition space.

Better get off and search out some good hashtag links.