Viewing single post of blog Helen Scalway, artist in residence 2010

It’s coming up to the closing show of the residency – hard to believe, it’s gone so fast. I tried to make an animation, my first ever, but soon learned the hard way that this really is a whole new ball game. Still, it’s been great to have the time and space to experiment, even to make instructive mistakes. Animation is for another time!

But this phase- which felt very frustrating – has produced an unexpected outcome: the possibility of projecting some images as a sequence with sound, alongside the drawings. So for the private view for this show, the talented soprano Sophia Brumfitt will be performing, improvising with her beautiful voice around the visual patterns and rhythms of the drawings as though they form a musical score. This seems a fitting event in this church which holds so much music of the past. I’m nervous and excited, but I know Sophie is a complete professional and the event will be extraordinary.
Now it’s just hectic as we are also putting on a Big Draw event in the space just a few days before the show opens – it’s whirlwind time.
Here are some details of the work. Even now it’s changing so I hope to show it as it ends up, in another posting.