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Following Christian Union meeting we know that we need to reach out to more students and maybe me and Steven work together – he is a Photography student level 5 / 2nd year.

In the talk on wednesday it was suggested we work with other artists and designers etc and i really hope that a work that i would like to do with Art and Design Society at uni will take off and be participated in.

Freshers fair we had soooOOO much hope and me and Steven did the work as Sherrie helped to kind of guide us into the day. But our hopes of having lots more members was dashed a bit last night as many didn’t come but Sherrie did say first meeting is often quiet!

Yesterday i did some macquets for my ideas and experiments and took a look at the brief and course details. I had to tidy up my space its easier to work in a space that you can see and use better, less clutter more creativity – maybe its different for some but i guess as a Conceptual Artist practice it is clear to me thats the way i work.