Hi, I’ve been away a while. Off in the land of not doing very much, apart from thinking about how little I’m doing and wondering why that is so. I didn’t really find the answer, so have eventually decided not to dwell on it any longer.

Today I enrolled for the second and final year of my MA and it felt really good. I have a cold and a stuffy head but I’m back on the roller coaster that is academia and so much more relaxed about the ride this time.

Afterwards I paid a visit to the Jerwood to see the drawing prize. I really enjoyed this. Such a wonderful feast of different stuff and a few people from my course and a fellow a-n blogger included in the mix, great! Some fantastic and intriguing drawings. I particularly like Andrew Lawson’s piece ‘The Story of O’ and the ceramic circle – although I now can’t remember the name of the artist.

Off to the bar tonight to shake some cocktails. Things just ticking on in their own little way.