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I have been working with video alot – trying to upload footage from my new camera to my laptop mostly… which has been the biggest pain – sorted now though!!!

Below is a performance video i am working on provisionally called dance:stagger – i think i want to re-film it but between two concreat walls, i have started thinking about repitition in architecture, music, dancing and more generally in life quite a bit which is starting to show in this video…

Also been working on live video feeds for a performance i’ll be doing for the mapping 1 exhibition which is going to be part of the visualise festival which i’ve started spotting posters for around the city which is exciting… Next week we have Kim and Bas arriving in Birmingham from Utrecht to work on the Mapping 1 show which will be good!!!

I’ve also been collecting phone numbers to build a network to message my manifesto points too, been using facebook groups for this quite a lot and its amazing how quickly you can get over 100 mobile phone numbers!!! I’ve got a new SIM card specifically for this as well so i don’t have loads of messages coming out of my personal allowance and so thet the txt msg’s stay anominous.

Been preparing a book of photo’s of walls taken from google street view for a show in lincoln as well which i’m feeling really pleased with.

I’ve also initiated a collabrative project with a musician friend who you can check out at


i’ll post more about this when there is some… hope fully soon!!!
