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Monday came and went, in the middle of it I had the pleasurable experience of “having a good day”…

Yes, today started off very well indeed, having realised the gallery who represented me at the London Affordable Art Fair, which finished yesterday, hadn’t been in touch I thought I’d send an email enquiring how it went…

Not very good from all accounts, it hadn’t been a very successful event put down to the government announcing this week all the draconian cuts to the arts etc…but, ahh a glimmer of light, they sold one of my sculptures!! Fantastic news, I’m very pleased as always when someone appreciates something I made enough to part with their hard-earned cash..well done that person! Thank you.

Back to the other business of the day…I caught up with and introduced myself to Rob, Rob is the technician in the 3D workshop and so is a very important person to know. Rob and I had a good chat about my project and how to best move it forward, I am now booked in to have my face “cast” on Thursday morning! Hurray… the first step towards experimentation time, can’t wait, images of the process will be forth coming. I am currently struggling with the finish I want to achieve from the casts I am going to create..it will I think depend largely on how succesful my early experiments turn out. My desire is to create a fragile shell-like cast, I’d like to use plaster incorporating other material to give it a light, web like effect, at the moment I think I want them all to be predominately white. Of course these initial ideas will change as the project gets underway and I have to overcome obstacles, but I’m looking forward to the challenge of portraying my emotional and my “self” in to the art work.

In the afternoon we delivered a short presentation of our ideas so far for the essay, I have in the past used an application called “prezi” it’s available to use for free on the internet and I find it a great way to present visuals and text. This is the link to my presentation…


It all seemed to be fine in the main, I do however need to be careful to consider the original titles we were given to work within, so a little tweaking of the main focus in the direction of “social responsibility and its influence on practice” and away I go! A first rough draft is to be handed in next Monday, so I’d better get organising the sections and headings in the next couple of days.