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TRANSMISSION Adam Dix, Alex Hoda, Katie Paterson

I thought this show at Haunch of Venison was really interesting. Adam Dix creates “portentous (omenous), science-fiction-inspired scenes in which regimented or ritualistic figures are posited in a strange and indeterminate relationship with the devices of modern telecommunications: computers, satellite dishes, and communication towers………..Dix is interested in how humanity is instrumentalised by its reliance on communication and connectivity, and how its attitude towards modern telecommunications frequently assumes the reverence and awe of ritualistic or cult-like behaviour. His is a visual language that at once suggests a nostalgic longing for a technological utopia, and the failed promises of such a vision.”

“Katie Paterson’s conceptual projects make use of sophisticated technologies and specialist expertise to stage intimate, poetic and philosophical engagements between man and his natural environment. Combining a Romantic sensibility with a research-based approach and coolly minimalist presentation, her work collapses the distance between the viewer and the most distant edges of time and the cosmos……….Eliciting feelings of humility, wonder and melancholy akin to the experience of the Romantic sublime, Paterson’s work is at once understated in gesture and yet monumental in scope.” My favourate work of hers was

Earth–Moon–Earth (Moonlight Sonata Reflected from the Surface of the Moon) the piano was playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata with a few mistakes which was what had been recorded after bouncing the recording on the moon.
