Time and time again you hear certain words in the art school environment being used to describe a piece of work or their own practice in this attempt to use the right words to make it sound like art and that you have some vague conceptual knowledge.
Art school has been described to me as a “gateway into everything I was interested in getting into” or “a series of does and don’t to help you be an artist”. Apparently there is no right or wrong or good or bad within art Duchamp expressed that “good and bad should only be reserved for taste and not art” I wonder if there is right flash words or flash reference that if included means a piece of art work could be considered as good? If not good have some sort of integrity?
In freeze a couple of months ago I read on the inside couple of pages a what’s hot and what’s not, with a what’s stable list of things to reference in your contemporary art practice. Things like Ballard (obviously) staying stable, utopia being not hot and dystopia being hot. This flash list which you pulled out of your wallet just incase you ran out of things that might make you seem you knew what you were on about while in some private view or is it a list to get you through a Fine art degree, I’ve certainly heard of all this things when we critically analyse peoples work?