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My blog and project is a year old to the day. This time last year I was about to start the 2010 Challenge project. I had assumed that it would be almost over at this point in 2011. In reality I am just over half way. I still have all the art works from August to December to complete. I am hoping to complete the August Challenge in the next few days which will mean there will be less works to make.

It would appear that my practice can not sustain making one art work a month at this point in time. Although that is down to the types of art work I make, and how much time I choose to spend on each piece, its a self imposed limitation. I am surprised that very few of the challenges I have received have been time limited in any way, especially as that is a huge part of the project.

I have now received the final challenge for the project which seems like a fitting challenge to finish with:

December Challenge

‘Celebrate new year’s eve as if it would be already Friday, December 31st of the year 9999. Invite people living already in the future.’

Challenged by Julian Klein

The challenge is also some what reminiscent of the January Challenge, which had a guest list and feels event based in a similar way. The two remaining challenges for the project are to finish the production of all work and find a venue to show the concluded exhibition of work and documentation.

Happy New Year!