Assembly Black Country: Black Box

Programmed by Black Curators Collective

Day 1 – Thursday 11 July 2024, 9.30am – 5.15pm: online via Zoom

Day 2 – Friday 12 July 2024, 10.30am – 4pm: online via Zoom

Day 3 – Saturday 13 July 2024, 11am–3pm: in-person at Sandwell Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, 48 Lodge Road, West Bromwich B70 8NY

For a-n members. Free to attend, booking required

Assembly Black Country: Black Box explores notions of access through ‘teach-in’ workshops, screenings and discussions with art workers from across the Black Country, an area with limited contemporary visual arts infrastructure.

Black Box refers to Black Curators Collective’s takeover of arts organisations and BCC’s approach to programming. Drawing on the notion and function of self-contained systems, it aims to protect ideas and labour by Black creatives from institutional co-option, dilution and tokenism. 

Thursday 11 July 2024 – online, 9.30am–5.15pm: A series of ‘teach-in’ discussions, named in reference to legacies of protest, political expression and activism. Designed to be practical, participatory and action focused. 

Friday 12 July 2024 – online, 10.30am–4pm: Through talks, panel discussions and workshops, we’ll  explore the aesthetic, practical and theoretical ideas of ‘access’ in the Black Country’s cultural work. 

Saturday 13 July 2024 – in-person, 11am–3pm: A tour of new artworks at Sandwell Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, in collaboration with Hospital Rooms. 

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