Assembly Belfast: Who cares (about artist visibility, aspirations and support – or the lack thereof – in Northern Ireland)?
Programmed by PS2 in partnership with Catalyst Arts, hosted by QSS and Vault Artist Studios
Day 1 – Wednesday 4 October 2023, 6pm – 8.30pm: online via Zoom
Day 2 – Thursday 5 October 2023, 10am – 4pm: in-person at QSS, Belfast
Day 3 – Friday 6 October 2023, 11am – 1pm: in-person at QSS, Belfast
Free to attend, booking required
Address: QSS, The Arches Centre, 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AA (map)
Who cares? This gently provocative title frames the talks, screenings, panels, workshops, and Q&As that make up the first a-n Assembly in Northern Ireland. Our place, slightly hidden on an island on the periphery of the UK, often feels adrift from our neighbours’ prevailing cultural ecologies.
Wednesday 4 October – online: An introduction to the visual art landscape of Northern Ireland, opening opportunities for interest and exchange for artists in the UK and Ireland.
Thursday 5 October – in person: Artists, curators and organisations will speak about how they adapt, cope, struggle or fail in an arts-rich but resource-poor climate. Through conversation, we will nurture similarities and inspiration, helping us to generate answers to questions around how we improve the arts ecology in Northern Ireland.
Friday 6 October – in person: We will take stock and develop a plan of action, proposing new programmes and a timeline, to support the survival of the arts in Northern Ireland.
You will need to register separately for each day that you would like to attend.
a-n members will receive priority access to tickets on Thursday 31 August 2023. Not yet a member? Join today. General tickets will be available on Monday 4 September 2023.
a-n members
Non a-n members
If you have any questions about attending Assembly Belfast or would like recommendations on travel and accommodation, please contact [email protected].
We will aim to meet all access requirements that are requested through the event registration. Please let us know about your access requirements before Sunday 24 September 2023.
BSL interpretation will be provided for Day 1 – Wednesday 4 October 2023, 6pm – 8.30pm: online.
The Belfast Assembly is programmed by PS2 in partnership with Catalyst Arts, hosted by QSS and Vault Artist Studios.
PS2 = Paragon Studios + Project Space. PS2 is an artist-led collective, connecting art and society, in the centre of Belfast. We undertake projects both onsite, in our Project Space and offsite – in urban, suburban and rural locations – to enable the public to enjoy and participate in art and their locale. Artist and sector development is a big part of our work. We have ten artists’ studio spaces; three annual in-residence programmes for curators, writers and collectives; a range of artist development opportunities including the Freelands Artist Programme; and are host to some 30 project artists each year for exhibitions and events. @pssquaredbelfast