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Emma Hedditch led two sessions at Rhubaba which introduced the values, beliefs and principles that are the basis for co-operative practice and the potential for their application within artistic practice and organisation.


7 feet of particpants, mugs, plywood benches, plywood floor


To explore what the co-operative model can offer art and artists.



virtual ironing (getting rid of the creases) with the Incredible Hulk and mixed weather footwear


To question the art world’s alignment with certain wealthy elite.
To find an alternative.


we hear the same thing (Gordon and Cicely)


To establish some principle values.
To follow some basic rules; some straightforward rules.



permitting a sphere of autonomy to happen (….are you being exploited?….)


To be mindful of others, of not dominating the conversation and of not talking over others.


legs (chair prepared for comfort)


To understand the premise of voluntary labour
(we are all working for Creative Scotland on an unpaid basis)


Rigid and Free (when living together you might not want to set these rules)


To respond to collective and individual needs



the view from Rhubaba


To research starting a co-operative and understanding the
needs within a particular community