I’m sooo tired



uber kunst

At the studio I sorted out the webcam so that it has a motion sensor – it has a lovely vague quality like a polaroid. I love the ambiguity.

also next was the pinhole photography, which was initially disastrous because I mixed the chemicals wrong. There was a BA student who helped me out and then let me use her developer which made all the difference.

the excitement of seeing that image come through – I am hooked! timing and taking it back and the appearance, not dissimilar to paper making in the transform and reveal.

when I finished i bumped into Ronnie the couse leader and head of photography I told him I was trying to make pictures and not doing so well but learning from my mistakes. i said it was chance. he replied that photography was scientific – true i suppose but I like to play and find out through experimenting.

and then I thought, you know I’m not really making pictures I’m documenting and at the moment i’m documenting my mistakes. those images are of things that existed in that time, not captured correctly but naively, with the most basic understanding using the previous to inform the next. using the results of my play to make the game continue, it’s not serious but the heart of it is.

the message is about misconstrewed documents and the documents I’ve made are just a story of those two hours of discovery, nothing and everything. quiet but loud. as if little me from nothing could play with the scientists and inventors and those men in suits. silly little me with my paper i bought for 95p, who knows nothing can produce an image a documnent of my little time.


I’ve just made a cake. Well it’s chucking it down so I haven’t gone out.

I have done some research on all things live and made a list of materials and equipment for Tuesday – the start of live art week.

And I’ve been meddling with my website www.rebeccastrain.com


Saturday has mainly been a housework and domestic chores day. Washing, grocery shopping, tidying etc. The fairies don’t do it unfortunately.

I’ve spend 4 hours on e-learning to be a census collector in the hope of getting some kind of income. So far none of the art projects have been fruitful although many of them I won’t here back from for a while. I just need a little budget for materials and i’ll be laughing.

I’ve got an interview for a clothes store job on Monday. It’s 5mins from my studio and I’ll get about 60 quid a week which will cover food and travel but if I’m to make any serious progress I need to get a lump sum that I can allocate to materials.

I’ve applied for a Professional development loan and I should find out next week what the decision on that is. In the meantime all I can do is do the best with what I’ve got and I have found bits and pieces along the way.

Tomorrow i will make a few beer can cameras and I can use the photographic paper I got on Friday in those. Then all hell will break loose as I launch Live Art Week at my studio.

Participants have been positive but my fellow studio holders not so. They come from a more traditional background and don’t seem to value what I’m doing. Maybe they see it as a threat or as being to risky. I’ve tried to talk to them but it’s all a bit passive aggressive. I suppose it all part of the groups evolution – norming, storming, performing…

So no art don’t just getting ready but that’s half of it.


I made a camera :)

and I got some photographic paper for 95p – yes 95p

Last night we had the meeting about Live Art week. Six artists came and we had a good discussion about the event what we were trying to achieve and how we would go about it.

My intention with this experiment is to work on how I document my work. We will have a web cam, several still cameras, video cameras, pinhole cameras, Dictaphone’s, paper and pens so all will be covered. I hope.