Time management, not easy when your part-time everything. I was up at six this morning. Made the breakfasts, and pack lunches. Then over my cuppa I was working on some designs for a gift for one of my close friends. Suddenly it was 8 o’clock and I had an appointment at 9.

After the appointment I headed straight for my studio where I had set everything out the night before ready to get stuck in to work, but first I had to do the dishes and check emails which led me to search for another part time job because I currently have no income.

I did pick up a call in the studio about hiring space and an enquiry as to whether we’d be able to work with the group to curate the show- possible earner. By this stage it was almost lunch and I still hadn’t started what I come to do.

I finally got into the real work by about twelve. It was freezing in the studio and a few hours later I realised I hadn’t eaten so I robbed a cuppa soup from the cupboard and sat down for 5.

By half three I was out of space for drying so I decided to call it a day. Back home, make dinner, make calls, eat dinner, search for jobs, apply for jobs, loans, trust funds bursaries on and on. Then the alarm for blog writing goes and I have to snooze it because I am doing some weird on-line job test where I have to spot the difference in the picture to see if I have the aptitude for the role.

Then I realise THE deadline is looming and I start working on the big commission application that I have been chipping away at for two weeks. I’ve got a chance in a million at it but if it happens I will be saved from the never-ending application process for a while and I will be making best use of my time and skills.

And now to the blog. What can I say really. I’ve not researched what I was supposed to. I’ve not sent that email and it’s half eleven at night and I realise I haven’t been to the toilet since dinner. Have to go, bye.


After a few hours in deep contemplation about what not to do I aired my musings with the head of course today.

It has been difficult to decide on a direction for this research. When I started rummaging through the world library that presented itself at the beginning of the course I got a bit distracted by the exciting discoveries I was making. But it was all a bit jovial and playful. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I must remember I am enrolled at an institute and I must follow a course of research that will stretch me upwards rather than outwards.

I will cut off those strands which only dilute what I am trying to communicate. I will enrich my skills. Become knowledgeable and articulate on current fine art practice and bring in skills from the past that have been lost. I will start at the beginning, a new phase in my work. Fresh, clear and focused. I’m here to learn, and that’s what I will do.


No art today, bought paint tho just cos it was 10p a tin.

Mainly shades of white I think I was going to make a pciture for my wall. Nothing to do with paper or any of my MA work; maybe with the new washing machine I’m getting all domestic.


Tick tick tick tixk tixk tixk tixk, time rolls on.

just writing today and cleaning. Spoke to Benedict Phillips in the afternoon. He told me that I was the artist and that I should tell myself that.


So today I discovered ‘Reading Marx’s Capital with David Harvey’.

I watched the 2hr intro and I’m hooked. Even better instead for forking out the cash for the book and struggling to read it I can actually down load mp3, and listen to it all whilst walking around.

Actually thats something I should think about, what I shall do while I listen to Capital as I’m sure it will affect whatever it is i am doing.

And it’s not only me who’s been discovering Capital. The Strategies for Free Education who have initiated the reading project are a group of artists in Sheffield who are attempting to study a Masters Degree without enrolling at an institute.

So I am very excited. :)

erm what else, applications for things is still ongoing – please let me get some funds from somewhere soon – please