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Time management, not easy when your part-time everything. I was up at six this morning. Made the breakfasts, and pack lunches. Then over my cuppa I was working on some designs for a gift for one of my close friends. Suddenly it was 8 o’clock and I had an appointment at 9.

After the appointment I headed straight for my studio where I had set everything out the night before ready to get stuck in to work, but first I had to do the dishes and check emails which led me to search for another part time job because I currently have no income.

I did pick up a call in the studio about hiring space and an enquiry as to whether we’d be able to work with the group to curate the show- possible earner. By this stage it was almost lunch and I still hadn’t started what I come to do.

I finally got into the real work by about twelve. It was freezing in the studio and a few hours later I realised I hadn’t eaten so I robbed a cuppa soup from the cupboard and sat down for 5.

By half three I was out of space for drying so I decided to call it a day. Back home, make dinner, make calls, eat dinner, search for jobs, apply for jobs, loans, trust funds bursaries on and on. Then the alarm for blog writing goes and I have to snooze it because I am doing some weird on-line job test where I have to spot the difference in the picture to see if I have the aptitude for the role.

Then I realise THE deadline is looming and I start working on the big commission application that I have been chipping away at for two weeks. I’ve got a chance in a million at it but if it happens I will be saved from the never-ending application process for a while and I will be making best use of my time and skills.

And now to the blog. What can I say really. I’ve not researched what I was supposed to. I’ve not sent that email and it’s half eleven at night and I realise I haven’t been to the toilet since dinner. Have to go, bye.