After my last site visit I’ve been mulling over how to tackle the audio compositions and how to compose the pieces from my field recordings. I have collected over 30 minutes of content to work with to date.


I like the idea of leading the listener into the recording via a human interaction within the landscape such as walking. The listener hears footsteps and can imagine a figure walking through the glen to then encounter my spoken word text before the composition moves away again from spoken word via footsteps. I’m also attempting to use the sounds of gate latches, walking on wooden walkways and moving over styles as lead in sound for the compositions.


I have walked a significant area of Glen Finglas to date. What amazes me is the sense of space that I suddenly become surrounded by. As you walk, you also become aware of the significance of the water that feeds the glen, wildlife and plant life. My written texts will reflect on these ideas.


Haiku 1

Walk up up and round

Listen to bird call and nature

Sounds are all around


Haiku 2

Water spills from high

Trickle, burn, river, falls, flow

Down feeding the Glen


Contribution from Glen Finglas Volunteer:

Beauty is before me

And beauty is behind me

Above and below me hovers the beautiful

I am surrounded by it

I am immersed in it

In my youth I am aware of it

And in old age I shall walk quietly

The beautiful trail.