Dig up Dirt

I found another situations to Photograph for next week! two workers digging up the street what lies bellow is anyone’s guess!


Today I performed  in Worcester High Street and the responses were what I had though would happen, for the public at least it was more a response of – leave well enough alone – allot of people walked off or looked in confusion I sat in the middle of the street on a bench and the space was soon cleared.

Here is another one from outside a shop listening to music today. The groups response was brilliant there once in depth conversation ruined to the point where two of the four walk off.

I will continue to complete these public performances and have recently decided to format them all into a Art Film. Along with other projects this will be updated on my blog.


Throw your dummy out of the pram

Today I have been given the task from my lecturer Sean Edwards to take ten photos of things related to my work I then must print them on 6×4 C-Type Prints and exhibit them in the studio next week, well here is the first one!

I stumbled across this beauty outside my home and as I am looking at English Idioms this one was perfect!

This came off the back of a lecture we had on Gabriel Orozco and other artists that use photography as a means of ‘drawing’ and research!


Documentary Photography

Above you can see images of my process of making the head, Its paper mache, I got hold of a Giant red balloon Blew it up to the size I wanted it and placed it on a surface so it was held still. I used the local news paper which came through my door. tor bits and used a mixture of glue and water combined to pasted it onto the balloon, once enough layers were on the balloon I popped it and caved out a head hole and two small eyes, I cut out areas unseen as breathing holes.

Observed Photography

I took these two images at the Duck-worth trust a while back I observed how the spider webs interacted and performed the space around the, the residues from the spider forced people to duck under and move around especially the second image as it was draped across a path, I wondered whether I could reproduce such a thing and force people to divert their normal paths?

Moment Photography

Above is a fleeting moment when a swan took flight, I found it beautiful it made me think of how often I see such things, not very, the fact that Worcester is overwhelmed by swans doesn’t mean I have ever seen one take flight!

Observed/Moment Photography

The above image is one of a series I recently produced. I found a ball and a chair in a disused forgotten space and moved it around the area I was residing at that time. So I observed the potential of making a narrative then took images of the moment I place it in different spaces.



Footnotes to You’re LoOking for Something That’s Already Found You – Ryan Gander.

1. To take anything from the outside world you

a. Must be interested

b. It must grab your imagination

c. How can you change this in terms of narrative

d. What story is here?

2. Math like equations help the thought process

a. Dolos

i. Concrete Block

ii. Greek myth – Master of deception, craftiness and treachery

b. Wave

i. Oscillation accompanied by a transfer of energy that travels through space or mass

ii. A sudden occurrence of or increase in a phenomenon, feeling, or emotion.

c. Breaker

i. Breaker Morant – Anglo-Australian folk hero, horseman, poet, soldier and convicted war criminal nicknamed “The Breaker”

3. Look at things more and more as much as you can.

4. What is behind the mask the falseness?

5. How does this image affect you?

6. Is there something in the image that juxtaposes everything?

7. Dolosse – Is a concrete block in a complex geometric shape weighing up to 20 tons, used in great numbers to protect harbour walls from the erosive force of ocean waves. They were developed in East London, a port city in South Africa, in 1963.

8. How does something affect you especially when you have not seen this before?

9. Always look for more.

10. Limit you’re searching to images that actually matter to you?