Well it’s hand in day for this module and I havent been able to use any facilities for a long time due to easter holidays (two weeks), then third years having priority and stealing all the technicians (one week), then all the technicians were unavailable due to setting up the third year show (another week) so I have made no glass for A WHOLE BLOODY MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say I am somewhat peeved. I have not made the lovely cake-stand I was planning on making so I have done all I was able to do; I made a paper one. Which is practically the same right? …Oh, you’re right… IT’S NOTHING LIKE IT!
I was hoping to have at least most of the plates made by now, and possibly some development/tweaking to the design. I now need to make the damn thing before new designers without screwing it up. That month would have been so useful, it seems pointless that a final year MA student (who actually works at a glass blowing studio) can’t be left to work in the studio alone, or even supervised by a different staff member.
I’m feeling like this year has been a waste of my time. It has been so difficult to do anything because of a lack of communication when tutors forget that I don’t have access to the internet. I get to uni, they say ‘Did you do/see/attend/bring/look at this, that or the other?’ and I say ‘No. I didn’t know about it.’ ‘But I sent you an email…’ ‘…I still don’t have the internet.’
When I drive for an hour to get here only to discover that I can’t use the workshops I really want to shout at people, I can’t afford to waste a quarter tank of petrol to get here to do sweet Fanny Adams.
Now that I have ranted I will just say that I hope I don’t screw my presentation up tomorrow and I can only hope that they will be sympathetic as to why I have less work than I should.
As I am unable to give you a lovely picture of a cake stand, I will give you a picture of me and Jeremy, and a picture of a poodle which has been groomed to look like a camel. Well why the hell not? I like to think of it as responding in kind to the wonderful organisation of the university.