Finnisage at the Palace Hotel

I had 8 hours to make something at the FabLab, which offered the facilities to create a piece of work that involved using digital technology. I used a capital letter ‘I’ from the font ‘giddyup’, which is designed like a lasoo, the shape was cut out of a single piece of MDF that I covered with yellow vinyl. The FabLab brief was; urban intervention in a digital world, so I decided to take my ‘I’ out onto the streets from the Lab in Ancoats to the Palace Hotel, Oxford Road which is were the work was being exhibited and I wanted to see what encounters I would have with the public along the way. A number of people spoke to me about the yellow shape but no one recognized it as the letter ‘I’. People were intrigued as to why I was carrying it and were I was taking the piece and it sparked some interesting conversations about people’s involvement with art. One particular guy I spoke to outside the newsagents was really pushing me for a definitive answer as to why I was doing this, and I just said that there was no one answer it was more about opening up dialogue and interaction with people. As a coloured form moving through the environment it really stood out and cut through the angular lines of the surrounding architecture the vibrant colour in the sunlight sometimes bleached out into white. Once I finally got my ‘I’ to the Palace Hotel I only had a few hours to edit the video documentation together for the show, which was in a beautifully decorated space called the Post Room. It was a really good night lots of good work, wine and conversation. I have documented the project on the blog as it offers a space to reflect on the piece after the event, to share the experience with others and to create a legacy for my work.

To watch video documentation of this work please follow this link:
