First post, Friday 27th April.

Well, the cheque from ACE dropped onto the mat a day or two ago, so this seems like a good time to start.


This project is to develop a piece I made last year for Eastern Pavilions, called 5 actions / 5 texts / 5 songs. The piece used repeated actions, ball-bearing dropping, polaroid picture taking, cassette looping to create a fifteen minute performance from a text based score.

The project – as I’ll try to explore and make public on this blog – is designed to produce more material for a ‘library pf actions’ for th epiece – meaning it can be performed lots of different ways; different combinations.

There has always been a chance elemnet to some parts of the piece – the use of found, or randomly selected. I’m hoping to make this more transparent for the audience – not quite sure exactly how this will manifest yet.

I’ll be getting advice from mentores, and hopefully collaborating with a poet and an artist. Details to follow.

A video of the original performance can be seen here: http://johnboursnell.tumblr.com/post/12036112494/5-actions-5-texts-5-songs.

Yes, I am rubbish at html – please copy this into your browser window and I will get back to you.