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19/05/12 – Rehearsal on Thursday 17th.

A chance to try out some new equipment and different text in the studio a few days ago, as well as trying new ‘stage’ set up. The performance at BETA on Wednesday was originally in a much smaller space, and I wanted to emphasise this by having the audience stand very close. The new venue, Norwich Puppet Theatre, is great, but has a different feel.

What I wanted to try with this table setup (I have knelt on the floor before), was putting it v. close to audience seating, being roughly at the same height as them. Being at eye-line height meant I felt physically close to the audience (in this case, just two people) – and also (maybe this was the table), slightly professorial – or at least, like a science demonstrator.

There were a few flaps with the technology (it is quite new – must practice!), but I was pleased with how it went – it was good to perform and improvise again – this is why I’m doing the project – to perform this piece – and its easy to forget that when you’re thinking about publicity, tech etc.