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Thanks for your comment Jo, cyanotype is a photographic process using ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide, if I recall correctly (check on Silverprint if want to try it, they have information and also have a ready made chemical). The solution is applied to paper and exposed to sunlight or UV with an acetate of the image you want on top of the paper.

I am using the process as it fits the concept for the project, and it has taken a while to fully define the ideas and achieve the right effects. I have had trouble with access to facilities to complete some of the work as they are very large. Also I have been finishing my Masters degree which focuses on other work for the final module, but I have completed some new cyanotypes on a very large scale.

These pieces are human scale and tie in with other ideas in my work that explore the idea of ‘grounding the image in personal experience’. In other words I take the trace of the photograph and removing it from the conventional format of photographic images, I divert the identification with memory, to the real present as the viewer stands in front of the human scale image. This marks out the physical space in a similar way to my earlier chalk drawings, which are real scale images of doors and openings. There is a detail showing the original photograph and the full size pieces show how the cyanotype extends to the real door scale.