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Seeing as the last few tests were successful I decided that the next one would not be a test strip, but I would instead try one exposure for the whole sheet of paper to create one image. Everything went well, I went through my notes and tried to calculate what the exposure should be to create black. This time I wanted to test further types of materials that I would like to work with in the future, so used materials that I have made for some of my other projects. This included magpie feathers, photocopies, newspaper cut outs, tissue paper as well as the eggs and string that come from the original Bauhaus exercise.

After exposing the paper, wrapping it up in a light-tight tube and taking it to Metro and putting it through the processing machine, it came out grey… not blackā€¦

It turns out that I had made a mistake when I was calculating the exposure. Next time instead of trying to combine the exposure I will instead stick to the number of separate flashes that add up to make black.