I was awarded an a-n Professional Development bursary to help me better document my art work, particularly my imminent performance at BEAST FEaST. My work to date has been poorly documented (if at all) and I felt this was becoming a barrier to persuing future opportunities. I needed guidance in what equipment to get, how to use it, how to identify what is possible to document on my own and how, when to ask for assistance, contacts for future work and general advice in the art of art documentation.
I have been working with photographer, videographer and educator Jonathan Lee to help me achieve this. After initial consultation with him about the aims of this bursary project we worked out a plan which went something like…
-Do some research into art live art documentation, try and find things I liked/didn’t/things that may be useful etc
-Buy equipment
-Find suitable students to help document the performance in April
-Undertake a half day workshop with the students learning how to use the cameras, experimenting with the equipment, talking about the aims of documentation and different ways to achieve this and doing practice runs for the performance
-Filming BEAST FEaST performance
-Handing over footage for me have a bash at a rough edit
-Post production workshop with Jonathan to polish up my attempts
Here’s my blog of this process!